Sometimes in the very dark places, you find the brightest ideas.

And there are some pretty dark places when you are seriously ill. Filled with doubt, your beliefs challenged – sometimes when they are still only hopes – you can overthink a lot of things. Not only do you question your own judgement and second guess your own decisions, there are a plethora of others around you doing the exact same thing.

Avoiding disapproving medical people is fairly important and they will be the most negative to a journey with natural therapy. A good doctor to oversea and support you is great but one that is less than committed to your path will keep taking you back to those dark places of doubt and fear.

Well meaning family and friends can go either way. Beware those that say things like ‘Wow, its great you are doing this…be careful though.’ Or ‘Maybe if you just have the medical treatment, we can stop worrying about you so much.’ While they may be simply concerned, stressed out on your behalf or simply cannot see how what you are doing (without conventional treatment) can be OK, their words can plant seeds of insecurity in your mind.

So what are the bright ideas?

Put yourself in a peaceful place as often as possible. This is a great way to combat creeping stress that you can not afford to have while you are ill. Use the hypnosis tools you have learned as often as possible; make them work for you.

Constantly research and reinforce what you are doing. This keeps you on top of the latest information and in touch with others on the same journey. Keep a journal and write everything down. While at times it is discouraging when there seems to only be a minute amount of improvement (or you have hit a plateau), it is so empowering to look back at how far you have come. You may also be reminded of something you did earlier that you need to add back into your current protocol.

Most importantly

Believe in yourself. You must do this more than anything else. Without doing this, you will struggle to succeed. Your will to get well must be stronger than anything else. It must be stronger than the negative emotions you have felt in the past; the fears you felt you couldn’t face; the guilt you hid; the shame you felt you would rather have died than revealed. Regardless of how people reacted at the time, the words that were spoken, the actions they took. They were all mis-takes. In every instance you mis-took the situation. Nothing more, nothing less.

Let go of it. Life is calling you. Listen.