Universal Conspiracies

Life is calling you....Listen


(Geranium maculatum)


Cranesbill is high in tannins, is safe for internal and external use, and has been traditionally used to resolve dysentery and diarrhoea.

It is also a great herb for infections of the throat and mouth, and general wounds.

Is gentle enough for infants and invalids.

Parts Used

Both the dried, powered leaves and root are used.


Cranesbill makes its home in damp, shady areas. The flowers are pinky-purple and the tiny bulbous fruits have a long barb like a cranes beak.


Antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, styptic and tonic.

Healthy Cranesbill plant thriving by the garden gate

What’s Stopping You?

Can you hear it? That still small voice that nags at you.

Maybe it’s a yearning to go somewhere, do or be something else….an overwhelming desire to give up who you are now and become the person hiding inside of you.

What stops you?


Of the unknown? Of failure? Ridicule?

There is a great deal of safety in the known. Haven’t we been told all our lives, ‘better the devil you know’ or ‘you have a good steady job, why throw that away’ or even ‘who are you to have these high flying ideas?’ 

Have you ever wanted to get past that?

Lots of the beliefs we have grown up with are simply that; beliefs.They established themselves in our mind over many years. We are (and have always been) constantly influenced by the opinions and beliefs of authority figures and peers. Everyone from our parents and extended family to our teachers, church, newspapers and TV have instilled in us information that we have built our beliefs on. We have been compelled prioritise these beliefs to shape a future in our mind of what a ‘successful’ life looks like.

It almost seems to be that as long as we have that steady job, a car, a house (and of course a huge mortgage to keep us in the successful situation), we have somehow proven our ‘worth’ to society.

Of course, to keep that worth, we have to keep slugging away, day in and day out, no matter how miserable we are. Of course, if we were to lose everything, then we also lose that worth; we have failed.

Nobody wants to know why you failed, only that you did. There are many ways that can happen overnight, from redundancy, recession to unexpected life threatening illness.

Sadly, the illness is usually brought on by the stress of maintaining our position….our job, house, belongings; not living a life where we feel truly happy but instead pushing on and doing the ‘right thing’.

If you were told tomorrow that you had cancer and had six months to live, how would your life change? How would you choose to live your last six months? What would you prioritise? How would your beliefs change? That picture you have in your mind of how life should look, is that built on on some inaccurate beliefs or is it built on fact? Would holding on to material things be at the top of your list? When you think about it now, how you struggled to get that something you really wanted (even if it only meant keeping up with peers), how happy were you when you finally got it? Did it make you feel really satisfied or was there suddenly another ‘thing’ to get that would really make you happy?

In six months time, things won’t mean much to you, you can’t take them with you. What do you think you would do? Probably cram as much living as you can into six months.

You may get hit by a car tomorrow as you walk back to work with a coffee for your boss. Maybe it’s time to really start living right now.

Those beliefs you live by …are they facts? or are they just beliefs?


(Plantago major)


Plantain is the ultimate ‘first aid’ herb. It grows in abundance (particularly in Australia), so is always on hand in an emergency.

Internally use 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons dried herb. Take 3 times per day.

Finely chopped young leaves can be added to salad.

Chew up fresh leaf then place over bite, sting or on painful tooth to quickly relieve pain.

A decoction made from the leaves is a cleansing wash for irritated and inflamed skin, rashes and minor wounds.

Will bring relief from diarrhoea and the pain of haemorrhoids and soothes irritation from coughs and bronchitis.

It is also used internally for ulcers and to reduce fever and is a cooling herb for the sick.

It makes a particularly good poultice when used on stings, bites, minor punctures and wounds giving quick pain relief.

Know also to bring relief for toothache.

Parts Used

Leaves, seeds and root


Plantain grows almost everywhere. Anywhere there is grass, you’ll almost certainly find it. It will also grow on disturbed ground and even cracks in paths and walkways.


Astringent, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, refrigerant, stimulant, laxative.

Narrow leaf plantain flowering in the herb garden.
Different is Powerful

Different is Powerful, not Bad

‘You are most powerful when living your own truth’

Over and over we see the latest trends being born and grow out of control, seemingly overnight.

Someone had an idea that was new and different. Something no-one thought of before. They did it proudly…put it out there because they wanted to see it in the world. They took a chance and stood out from the crowd.

So what happens? Suddenly other people start doing the same thing in their town. At first glance onlookers might have thought ‘What the hell would you want to do that for?’ But before long they are doing it too. All because one person thought ‘I want to do this because I believe it is good.’

Now before you get me wrong, this can go both ways; I’m not talking about designer drugs or terrorism.

I’m talking about the Wright brothers dream of flying, Roger Callaghan’s Meridian Tapping Technique, John Flynn and the Royal Flying Doctor Service, A J Hackett and Bungee Jumping, hell, even the person who put flares and hipsters together and made a new style of jeans for the 2000’s.

The point is they weren’t afraid to put forth their ideas. It’s not easy to put your beliefs out there though. Someone once said: ‘All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident’. So true. Once accepted, it’s powerful, like it has always been.

Why is this important?

That’s where learning comes from. If we were all the same, all had the same ideas, beliefs and desires, how would we progress? In some ways, many people wish things would never change at all. We feel safe in our comfort zones. Even if it’s not so good there, we feel safe because even bad is predictable. But that doesn’t make it healthy and it doesn’t help us grow – mentally or emotionally – if life is predictable.

So what is it you have to offer the world? What are the things you dream to do that will change the lives of others? Are you sitting on those ideas because people will laugh? Be angry? Or try to shut you down? Are you scared of failure? Or are you actually scared of your own success?

Step into your own power and give your individuality a run. When you dare to start letting your ideas flood out you create yet more ideas for yourself and others to grow on. Give your difference free rain and stand in your own power; You owe it to yourself.



Dark places

Dark Places, Bright Ideas

Sometimes in the very dark places, you find the brightest ideas.

And there are some pretty dark places when you are seriously ill. Filled with doubt, your beliefs challenged – sometimes when they are still only hopes – you can overthink a lot of things. Not only do you question your own judgement and second guess your own decisions, there are a plethora of others around you doing the exact same thing.

Avoiding disapproving medical people is fairly important and they will be the most negative to a journey with natural therapy. A good doctor to oversea and support you is great but one that is less than committed to your path will keep taking you back to those dark places of doubt and fear.

Well meaning family and friends can go either way. Beware those that say things like ‘Wow, its great you are doing this…be careful though.’ Or ‘Maybe if you just have the medical treatment, we can stop worrying about you so much.’ While they may be simply concerned, stressed out on your behalf or simply cannot see how what you are doing (without conventional treatment) can be OK, their words can plant seeds of insecurity in your mind.

So what are the bright ideas?

Put yourself in a peaceful place as often as possible. This is a great way to combat creeping stress that you can not afford to have while you are ill. Use the hypnosis tools you have learned as often as possible; make them work for you.

Constantly research and reinforce what you are doing. This keeps you on top of the latest information and in touch with others on the same journey. Keep a journal and write everything down. While at times it is discouraging when there seems to only be a minute amount of improvement (or you have hit a plateau), it is so empowering to look back at how far you have come. You may also be reminded of something you did earlier that you need to add back into your current protocol.

Most importantly

Believe in yourself. You must do this more than anything else. Without doing this, you will struggle to succeed. Your will to get well must be stronger than anything else. It must be stronger than the negative emotions you have felt in the past; the fears you felt you couldn’t face; the guilt you hid; the shame you felt you would rather have died than revealed. Regardless of how people reacted at the time, the words that were spoken, the actions they took. They were all mis-takes. In every instance you mis-took the situation. Nothing more, nothing less.

Let go of it. Life is calling you. Listen.

Paddle on

Up the creek without a paddle

We all know about that strong-flowing brown creek where we end up after one of our less intelligent decisions with no paddle to get us back to the safety of the bank. We just keep getting rushed along further and faster, until eventually, we sink.

As a rule though, along the way, we find a whole heap more negative actions to try and correct things; make them go away, so to speak.

‘De Nial is not a river in Egypt’ they say, but it’s a good place to begin the paddle

Denial is a good ‘go to’ for starters. Denial of responsibility I mean. We easily fall into the belief that people or circumstances outside our control are responsible for where we are and how we came to be there. But are they?

This is where it gets a bit tricky. We have all heard the ‘new agers’ repeating the mantra ‘you create your own reality’, but how many actually tell you what that means except for saying that all your thoughts create your reality. So how does that happen? That thoughts are energy and what you think manifests in your life? Really? Well if thats true, we should be able to think ourselves out of anything instantly. Never seems that easy though, does it?

Truth is, it’s the decisions we make, in line with our beliefs, that put us in the sticky situations we face as well as the great ones. We have an inner knowing of whats right vs what’s wrong but sometimes the ingrained beliefs override it. A couple of simple examples: Anyone who knows me, knows that I believe that family comes first, always. They also know that I have a great respect for the law and that rules are there to keep us safe and should be respected, always. But if something were to happen to  my daughter and I believed her only hope was to get to the ER urgently and that meant breaking the speed limit to get her there – regardless of the lawful consequences – I would most likely take that risk, break the speed limit and get her there. So strong is that belief to protect the her, that everything I know goes by the wayside.

Creating reality – losing a paddle

So we pull into the ER with a police car on our tail with his lights flashing, I find out that  life threatening or not, I’ve lost my licence on the spot and copped a $500 speeding ticket and an appointment with a magistrate. I’m also told that an ambulance could have come and treated her on the spot. The policemen point out that I could have cost someone else their life by driving like a maniac. But in a moment of panic, the facts went out the window and the beliefs took over.

The consequences of this would impact work; how do I get to work now without a licence? Relationship; through a stupid decision we are now a one income family with a new and unexpected big bill to pay. Family; I can’t even visit now because I no longer have a licence. On it goes, you get the picture.


Well hell, it’s not my fault, I was just doing what I thought was right. If that bloody copper hadn’t been there, everything would have been OK. If she had been doing the right thing, she wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place and none of this would have happened.

Really easy to blame everyone and everything else. Truth is, my stupid decision has impacted everyone. And I knew it was wrong.

Another fork in the creek, another paddle

So from here, there is another choice, another decision to make. There is the fork in the creek to the right which has a little rough white water but looks pretty good the other side of the rocks. There is the fork to the left that runs dark and deep but vision ahead is obscured. It would be far easier with one paddle to take the left fork and cruise along comfortably, blaming everyone and everything else. A few beers to bolster the self righteousness, a bit of anger to increase the isolation and when the end appears, maybe just keep paddling flat out in circles until you disappear….well, you know where you disappear to…

Or there is the fork to the right. Sure it will be a bit rough at the start but why follow one bad decision with another? If enough thought is put in, there will be a way through it. Sure, there is still that big bill to pay but maybe there’s another way to work. Maybe you’ve been thinking about studying or doing something else anyway and were too afraid to do it; this could be the right time.

It was a mis-take you made. Take responsibility and move on. Never look back, look forward and make it better. Always think how you can make things better and  stronger and know that there will always be mis-takes but mostly we get to learn from them, grow in ourselves and then have that information and knowledge that we can pass on to prevent others from making the same ones that we did.

Create a great reality

Our thoughts and beliefs really do create our reality and keeping a rational open mind is not always easy. Life would be so much easier if we always had the benefit of foresight and could see how our decisions were going to turn out before we make them. But we only know what we know  and after one of those steep ‘learning curves’ we do have the benefit of hindsight and thats something, no matter how painful, we should hang onto with all our might.


What are you worth

Worth – How is it measured?

(from Cancer Free)

Most of us journey on blindly through our days, not seeing much, not doing much, just ploughing along the highway of life heading toward some distant goal, knowing that once we reach it, everything will be OK. It will all be worth it.

What is your worth?

How do we know that everything will be OK? We have spent years being indoctrinated with the belief that this is what life is about. The measure of our success is a nice house, nice car, nice family and a respectable job with a good income to support it. All we need to do is follow the right path and we will be fine. But what happens when something goes wrong?

John has spent years working his way up the ladder of the promotional company he works for. Things are looking good and he knows there is an opening coming up and he is next in line for the promotion. All those extra hours, all the favours for his boss, going out of his way for clients on his personal time. Well, it’s all about to pay off.


Johns wife Mary has been juggling their 2 kids and her job at the local K-Mart store. Her wages cover the childcare, the groceries and the ‘buy now, pay later’ bill for the household furniture. They scored a great deal there, a whole house package – beds, fridge, dining and lounge – all brand new. Beautiful furniture for their new house. Well you can’t have second hand stuff in a new house. What would John’s clients think when they have to meet at home on the weekend? Can’t take any chances there.

John’s whole wage goes on paying the mortgage. If only she could get some more time with the kids though and it would be good if they could have two cars. They had traded their two cars in on John’s 2nd hand BMW and used up all their savings as well to buy it. It was important that John have a nice car for work. The commodore just didn’t fit the executive profile. It’s OK. Once John gets to the next level, everything will be so much better. They’ll have more money, Mary will be able to quit her job and have all her time with the kids. They’ll be a real family and be able to afford to do stuff on the weekends.

Life is looking rosy and they are on their way to having the life of their dreams. All they need to do is keep heading straight up the road toward their goals. When they finally get there they will be the admired, respected and successful people with the life they have dreamed of. Yeah, it will all be worth it.

It’s a big morning. The meeting has been set for 10.00am and if the new client signs on the dotted line, that promotion is in the bag. John is driving into work in the BMW and notices it is making that knocking noise again. It’s been happening for weeks. As he sits idling at the lights, he thinks to himself, ‘It’s been doing that for a while now, I should really get it looked at. There just never seems to be any money left for anything these days.’ As he accelerates away from the lights, he becomes aware of a thick cloud of white smoke behind him. To his horror, he realises it’s coming from his car. Oh God, not now!

John is still pacing up and down the pavement as he waits impatiently for the tow truck. It’s 8.30am. He’s still an hour from work and the meeting is set for 10.00am. ‘This shouldn’t be happening’ he thinks to himself, ‘Today of all days, my big chance to get ahead. Everything I’m worth is riding on this one meeting; why is this happening today!’

The tow truck arrives, takes all Johns details, he hails a taxi and he’s mobile again. Its 8.45am. Won’t be much time to go over the deal but it’ll be OK. Heading over the Gateway bridge, the traffic is really starting to flow now, things are looking up.

John never really saw what happened next. About 4 cars ahead there was a road train and two lanes across from it there was a concrete truck. In front of the concrete truck, a guy in a delivery van tried to duck into a gap that was too small. The concrete truck driver hit his brakes hard and swerved across the highway right into the side of the first trailer of the road train which was carrying live cattle. The last thing John was aware of was a loud bang and a blackness that overwhelmed him.

When john was released from hospital, he caught a taxi home with a heavy heart. While he was recovering he had learned that his strongest rival in the company had managed to step in, handle his client and close the deal. He had also scored the coveted promotion that John had worked so hard for.

His car was going to cost about $5000 to repair – the engine was buggered due to lack of maintenance. Mary had to take the kids to the childcare centre by bus and had been late to work every day and she had been given her notice as she had become too unreliable. Without Mary’s wage, they’d never be able to afford the furniture, the food and the house repayments.

‘How can this be happening’ John thought. ‘Just a few short weeks ago, I was in line for an excellent promotion that would have made me a valuable part of my company and allowed us to live the life we dreamed. Now I’ve wrecked everything. I should have had the car checked when it first started making a noise. Because I didn’t do that, I’ve missed out on the promotion that I worked so hard for and Mary lost her job. Now we will also lose all our furniture because we won’t be able to pay for it and maybe even our house.

How can things get so off track? What can I do now? I feel totally worthless’.

Can you relate?

Have you ever found yourself in Johns position (or similar)?

Fast and faster

So there’s a lot of hype about fasting, but is it all just hype?

How much good can you really do your health by not eating? Well, as it tuns out, heaps!!

Fasting has many ongoing benefits but the most notable are weight loss, lowering blood pressure, decreasing insulin resistance, increasing longevity and decreasing inflammation in the body generally.

There are as many different ways to fast as there are lifestyles, so it’s easy to find a method that will help you improve your health.

The most common and very effective way is to ‘water only’ fast. As its name suggests, this simply involves drinking water only for a set period of time, usually 24 – 36 hrs. The same applies to juice only fasting, though juicing quite often follows a period of water fasting.

Daily fasting is also very effective and with a little organisation, anyone can do this regardless of their work or lifestyle. It is just a matter of having your last meal a little earlier, say 6pm, and your breakfast a little later, say 10am. Eating this way, you will be fasting 16 hours every day.

The benefits?

  • every day for 16 hours your digestive system gets a 16 hour break from working.
  • weight loss – less caloric intake – no night time snacks and more mindful eating
  • lower blood sugar
  • clear healthy gut
  • less brain fog

It should go without saying that meals need to be nutrient rich and consist of a good variety of foods:

  • Vegetables – Leafy greens, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato, pumpkin
  • Seeds and grains – Quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds
  • Sprouts
  • Fruits – Apples, berries, banana, pears, tomato, avocado
  • Protein – Eggs, poultry, nuts (pecans, walnuts, etc), wild caught fish, legumes
  • Fats – Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, butter
  • Fluids – Water, herbal teas, dandelion root, chickory root, (minimal) coffee
  • Juices and smoothies – incorporating selections from above

So why not give it a go? Very little risk (if you have diabetes, thyroid issues etc, get some medical advice first), lots of gain. The key point is to ensure that everything you do eat is going to add to your health, not diminish it.

Food For Life

When I first found out how serious the situation with my own health was, I sought the help of a Naturopath. Those of you who know my story will also know that the doctors opinions and suggestions were frightening and delivered with healthy doses of arrogance.

So what did Lionel my naturopath suggest? Diet, of course. Really?? Some salad is going to fix this? Not even that. It was going to be nothing but water for a couple of days, then juice. Lots of it, lots of variety, mostly vegetable and organic.

It seems that even then, in 2002, we were overfed and undernourished. We had taste, gourmet, class, peer pressure, speed and convenience. We were eating for almost every reason besides nutrition.

Until we find ourselves in a situation that just may cost us our life.

Is it difficult? In the beginning, yes.

Your mind can really start to play tricks on you when you go against the grain of orthodoxy. I’m already really sick, but Im not going to eat anything for two days. Then I’m just going to drink a variety of fresh vegetable juice. Then I’ll add in a little fruit. Then some herbal wormer. Introduce some healing smoothies. We might progress to some salad with some special salad oil. In a couple of months, maybe some salmon with our salad.

You know what? Things begin to change faster than you would believe. Water only and no food for 48hrs can be a great leveller as far as your gut is concerned. You might be starving the good gut bugs but you are also starving the bad ones. Those bad ones that are used to living on sweet carbohydrates like flour and sugar, processed chips, bread, cakes and biscuits, and living in the heavy decay of red meat. The patches of weeds in the rainforest of your gut.

The good forest is still there, even though it has been repressed and over run with weeds. Water gives the whole digestive tract a rest for a couple of days, re-hydrates and flushes. Diluted fresh juice brings easily absorbed nutrients and the right type of insoluble fibre to grow the healthy bacteria. The good bacteria creates and nurtures the gut lining, feeding and healing the cells.

Of course, regressing to old ways of eating processed foods, gluten, flour, sugar etc will take you in the other direction and just as quickly.

I have always kept the practice of mini fasting. It does no harm to have one day of the month where we consume only water (unless of course you have a medical condition that contraindicates this). I also try to have my last (light) meal early in the evening and delay breakfast until 9am. This gives me a nano fast every day where my digestive system can rest for 13-14 hours each night.

Why wait until something is life threatening before we optimise our health? So much money, stress, sadness and indeed lives can be saved if we take the simple step of eating for health over all other reasons. Good food tastes so much better too.

Prove it to yourself starting with this gut healing smoothie that is a great breakfast or an equally good desert!

Banana & Cacao Smoothie

Recipe by KathCourse: BreakfastDifficulty: Easy


Prep time




  • 1 Banana – frozen

  • 3 Dates – pitted

  • 3/4 cup milk (I love almond)

  • 1 Tablespoon Cacao powder

  • Drizzle of Vanilla essence


  • Place all the ingredients in to your blender or bullet
  • Blend until smooth and creamy
  • Pour into 2 glasses and dust with cacao powder

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